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Germany’s AfD to join Viktor Orban hard-right European group

The German party has expressed interest in joining a new hard-right grouping launched by the Hungarian prime minister

Alternative for Germany (AfD) has expressed interest in joining a new hard-right grouping “Patriots for Europe” launched by Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, with Austrian and Czech nationalists in Vienna. The German party was kicked out of Marine Le Pen’s “Identity and Democracy” (ID)...Alternative for Germany (AfD) has expressed interest in joining a new hard-right grouping “Patriots for Europe” launched by Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, with Austrian and Czech nationalists in Vienna. The German party was kicked out of Marine Le Pen’s “Identity and Democracy” (ID)...Alternative for Germany (AfD) has expressed interest in joining a new hard-right grouping “Patriots for Europe” launched by...

When are the French election results announced? Key timings and what to expect

France will vote on Sunday in the first round of parliamentary elections that may trigger the biggest political earthquake in the country for decades. President Macron stunned everyone, including his prime minister, Gabriel Attal, when he called the snap two-round polls for the National Assembly, the powerful lower house, after his centrist...France will vote on Sunday in the first round of parliamentary elections that may trigger the biggest political earthquake in the country for decades. President Macron stunned everyone, including his prime minister, Gabriel Attal, when he called the snap two-round polls for the National Assembly, the powerful lower house, after his centrist...France will vote on Sunday in the first round of parliamentary elections that may trigger the biggest political earthquake in...

100 fastest-growing companies in Britain revealed

Jeremy Clarkson’s Hawkstone brewery is among this year’s high-flyers

The six high school friends now worth £1 billion

South Bromsgrove High has an incredible track record for churning out young high achievers

Inside the UK’s hottest new start-ups — with founders under 35

These young business owners come from diverse backgrounds but have one thing in common

Ben Francis: Britain is an amazing place to start a business

The co-founder of Gymshark hails the British brands that have become success stories

Rags to riches: I had to sell the fridge to revive my father’s company

FT Pipeline Systems, a business launched in 1982 by Second World War veterans, supplies parts to repair Britain’s broken water and sewerage systems

Retiring early was great. Then we got bored and missed the office

Many dream of early retirement only to find it’s not as much fun as they thought. Rachel Mortimer meets those going back to work

The grandparents guide to giving: property, trusts and Isas

One grandad is hoping to leave his younger relatives a property empire, but not everyone is that lucky. Lucy Alderson looks at the simpler things you could do to help your family

Shaparak Khorsandi: ‘I made £10 an hour as a life model between gigs’

The stand-up comedian whose family had to flee Iran also worked as a cleaner but now makes a good living from corporate shows

The 26-day rule for cheaper car insurance

With average premiums going up £100 a year, you may need these tricks that will reduce your costs

Carlos Alcaraz, the new king of tennis (who still lives with his mum)

Fans worried the golden age of men’s tennis was over. Then along came the 21-year-old Spanish superstar — who’s looking for a girlfriend

David Lammy: I’ve been underestimated all of my life

He’s the Tottenham choirboy who made it to Harvard. But is he ready to be foreign secretary — and make nice with Donald Trump?

Gabby Logan on life’s ‘midpoint’: ‘I thought, what’s wrong with me?’

The menopause hit the presenter hard. She tells Claire Cohen about what she wish she’d known beforehand, the wonder of HRT, her husband Kenny’s cancer diagnosis — and their sex life

Bernard Matthews has his turkeys. I’ll be known for walking sticks

‘My enthusiasm for new farming ideas when it’s ten at night and I’ve had some beers is starting to be a serious problem’

Lionesses captain Leah Williamson: ‘I don’t earn enough to retire’

The England captain and her cousin Jordan Glover on missed weddings, beating the boys and writing a children’s book together

100 best summer reads for 2024 — chosen by our critics

From literary love stories to bone-chilling thrillers and rip-roaring histories — here are the books to take on holiday

I can’t tell you how much I hated Douglas Is Cancelled — but here goes

Hugh Bonneville and Karen Gillan star in this glossy, expensive-looking drama that I was so looking forward to

Beverly Hills Cop: the accidental classic that almost starred Sly Stallone

Eddie Murphy and the original cast are back for a Netflix sequel. They reveal the secrets of the Eighties hit

Poor Naomi Campbell — her landmark show is a bad PR job

The first V&A exhibition about a fashion model should be absolutely fabulous, not just puff and gush

Without Putin’s war, we wouldn’t witness Ukraine’s artistic struggle for identity

This rich new exhibition at the Royal Academy tells a story that changes our lopsided view of Europe

Inside the incredible world of Daphne Guinness, high fashion muse

From the Mitfords to Alexander McQueen and now making music: the brewery heiress’s world is anything but ordinary. Vassi Chamberlain pops round for a cup of tea

The grown-up guide to buying vintage — and where to shop

From vintage knitwear to plus-size styling, our experts share their tips for buying preloved clothes

I was a clean-eating influencer — and it ruined my health

Alice Liveing became famous for ‘clean’ eating and hardcore workouts, but behind the scenes she was dangerously underweight

Style Beauty Awards 2024: the best products and brands, as voted by you

You voted for your favourite products — and now the results are in for the UK’s largest luxury consumer beauty awards

Dear Dolly: ‘I’ve met a lovely new man but I’m still obsessed with my ex’

Your love, life and friendship dilemmas answered

This is the secret to an affordable family holiday

Hostels aren’t just for backpackers — they can also be perfect for parents. So is a week-long sprint in Europe with a family of five for under £1500 really possible?

The travel problems that could ruin your summer holidays — and what to do about them

Be it a heatwave, wildfire or confusion over hand-luggage rules, there’s plenty of potential disruption on the cards for getaways in the next few months. This is how you avoid it

France’s best gourmet getaway is only an hour from the Channel Tunnel

Michelin now awards keys to hotels, as well as stars to restaurants. A château near Calais and Lille has two of each — perfect for an easy, well-fed and sumptuous stay

A holiday digital detox? Not for my family

Limiting screen time on holiday for children and adults isn’t always a good thing. Electronics and adventure can work wonderfully hand in hand

I’ve found the UK’s most overlooked coast — and the perfect place to stay

Deal’s chic, colourful pier is great for a family getaway, especially this cottage complete with its own ship’s mast, palm tree and sunshine-inspired colour scheme

I became a property developer at 18 — now I’m lord of the manor

As a schoolboy, Arthur Dallimer became fascinated with a mansion near his home. Now, aged 29, he owns it

Armed forces housing scandal: ‘Rats would crawl around my room’

Thousands of members of our service personnel are housed in inadequate, sometimes squalid conditions

Expats stand firm — but is the party over for holiday lets in Spain?

A backlash against Airbnb culture and mass tourism isn’t putting off second-homeowners

A thatched cottage by the sea is on sale for £795,000

Plus a hideaway in Cornwall, a renovated family home in Notting Hill and a fortress in Argyll

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A serious mental workout

Sunday Times Teaser

Clue-writing Competition

ST Crossword editor judges your cryptic clues

Clue-writing Competition

Puzzles to solve at your leisure on paper

Puzzles to solve at your leisure on paper

Puzzles to solve at your leisure on paper