Roaming Through Retirement

December 2021

December--What a Year!
While we followed most of the COVID protocols, we did manage to venture out a lot more than we did in 2020. In addition to a five-month RV excursion through the US, we have expanded our outings a bit more here in Ajijic.  We think this may be our new normal! 

December 2021
December 2021
This screenshot shows the temp on our anniversary, December 28. This weather link shows how pleasant the weather is here in Ajijic. While the climate brought us here, the community, culture, cost of living and its charm keeps bringing us back.  Friends Chuck and Jean returned to Ajijic after a two-year absence due to COVID.  This is the first of many get together to catch up on all that has been going on in Ajijic and the US.  From here we walked to LCS to take in a Concert in the Park.
December 2021
December 2021
This Concerts in the Park featured a tribute to Freddie Mercury. It was held on December 1, which is World AIDS Day and used as a fundraiser for Ajijic Cares. It was 30 years since Freddie died of AIDS at the age of 45. 
Roy Gomez Cruz did an outstanding performance singing the major hits that Freddie Mercury made popular in the 70s and 80s. In all, he had five costume changes, which made this the best small stage productions we have ever seen.
December 2021
December 2021
As a part of World AIDS Day, the audience wrote the names of individuals they knew who had AIDS on glow sticks, and place them in the points of these stars which were hoisted up in the trees near the stage. The audience also wrote the names of individuals they knew who died of AIDS on these paper bags, which were used to light the pathway as we left the concert.  In all, AIDS has accounted for over 37.7 million deaths.
December 2021
December 2021
While shopping in Tlaquepaque, we saw this darling statue of a young girl peddling flowers and knew the exact spot for it. We named her Maria. Luis Pacheco is the new Executive Director of the Lake Chapala Society and is in charge of the day-to-day work of 13 paid staff and about 300 volunteers.
December 2021
December 2021
Volunteers are the "Face of LCS" and today was set aside to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of our volunteer managers and volunteers who deal with everything from the library to the upkeep of the gardens. Mark and Lisa hosted a Holiday get together for FoodBank Lakeside, which is a 100 percent volunteer group focused on food insecurity in the area. About 1/3 of the volunteers attended this fun get together. 
December 2021
December 2021
The last to leave were those who played a key role in creating this humble organization that has grown to serve over 800 families along Lakeside.  In March, FBL will be two years old and going strong.   Like many of our Ajijic friends, Ross and Carol skip last winter due to COVID. We learned Carol broke her leg, so we delivered a home cooked meal of Lasagna and tossed salad and enjoy catching up.   
December 2021
December 2021
We met up with friends Chris and Barbara on the shore of Lake Chapala, took in the sights of the Malecon, including these men performing an ancient ritual call the Danz de Los Voladores. From there, we had lunch at a nearby French restaurant. The Holiday Concert in the Park at the Lake Chapala Society featured Enrique de Allende who has performed mostly in the US and Europe. He performed Christmas songs with his soft, yet powerful voice.
December 2021
December 2021
It happened to be Enrique's birthday, and unknown to him, the President of LCS brought in a Mariachi Band to sing and play a melody of birthday songs.  Kids Kitchen in San Pedro where five days a week these children enjoy a noon meal.
December 2021
December 2021
The children are waiting patiently for the Posada to start.  A Posada is a Mexican tradition where children dress up as Mary and Joseph and walk around the village knocking on doors to see if there is room for them to spend the night.  The Posada includes a party with food and a piñata. Robyn, a volunteer with Foodbank Lakeside and a person who has a "Heart of Gold" bought 500 pairs of shoes for the children of San Pedro and other villages.
December 2021
December 2021
Friends David and Karen invited us over to their home for dinner and we were amazed at the beautiful landscaping they did.  The sunset added to the charm. On Monday mornings, Larry facilitates a discussion group focused on 'everyday mindfulness'.  They have maintained the group on ZOOM ever since COVID began. 
December 2021
December 2021
Chuck and Jean have the same anniversary as ours (same day, same month, same year) and we have been celebrating it together nearly every year since we met in 2007.  An awesome evening at Adelita's.  Chuck and Jean hosted a small New Year's Eve party at their home and included a few of their dearest friends.  We left about 11:00, but the party went on until 1:00 am.
December 2121
December 2121
Wayne and Maureen are the only family we have here in Ajijic and share many of the same friends.  It was nice to end 2021 with them. We shared meals and cards every week since COVID hit Mexico.  Norm and Lil are friends we met when we first moved to Ajijic. They met here and have since gotten married. It was at their home where Larry took a tumble off a wall and broke his wrist--now fully recovered.

December's web page includes December 1 through December 31.