Roaming Through Retirement

November 2020

November--Here it is!

Welcome to our COVID-19 Entertainment Center.  What used to be a piece of grass (mostly crab grass and clover) is now a brick patio with a fire pit.  We are still incorporating COVID restrictions into our daily routine and limiting our social invites to one couple at a time.
November 2020
November 2020
November 2 is All Souls Day and the end of a weeklong celebration that begins with the Day of the Dead. El Parque staff constructed this alter in memory of the many residents who have since passed.  El Parque conducted their first social event, limited to 30 residents, scattered six feet apart.  The charity event was a concert put on by Steve Motenko and raised 13,500 pesos for FoodBank Lakeside.
November 2020
November 2020
Glorine is back in the gym after many months break due to her stroke.  Now she is tending to a sore rotator cuff that her PT applied kinesiology tape.  Seems to be working.  Volunteering still takes up lots of our time.  Here Glorine is hosting a ZOOM meeting to recognize volunteers in the Reaching Out program she started through the Lake Chapala Society. 
November 2020
November 2020
Larry attends a monthly board meeting of the Lake Chapala Society, this one was in person, with all the safety precautions. The big dilemma is keeping the ship afloat with membership down. Someone is making money off of COVID.  This new temperature gauge is at the entrance to our Wal-Mart.  Before entering all customers must wear masks and get a squeeze of alcohol sanitizer.
November 2020
November 2020
We found this cute nursery in Chapala, where Glorine is getting most of her plants.  Yes they are outdoor plants, as it never freezes here at Lakeside.  In the dry season, our solar panels are cranking out lots of watts and stored away for nights and rainy days. This is a smart inverter that tracks all the input and output of electricity.
November 2020
November 2020
Joel is our metal man who has done most of our home improvement project that require metal. Here he is putting the final touches on the framework to our new fire pit.  Chaco is our tile man, and like Joel, has done most of the tile work around our house. Here he is cutting and fitting tile on the top and sidewalls of our fire pit. 
November 2020
November 2020
Glorine and I bought these tile at Home Depot in Guadalajara and designed the pattern you see here. While we are waiting for the burner and all the connections to the LPG tank to be installed, we are testing out the relaxation effect.
November 2020
November 2020
We purchased a nine foot sombrilla (umbrella) to help shade the area on sunny afternoons.  Thanks to a little ingenuity, we buried a pipe in the ground to create stability plus get rid of the stand.
November 2020
November 2020
Thanksgiving with family.  Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, beans, cranberries and pumpkin pie--followed by four rounds of Hand and Foot.  Open Circle is back in person at LCS, but with restrictions.  No egg salad sandwiches, coffee or tea.  Plus everyone is seated six+ feet apart.  This presentation was awesome. 

November's web page includes November 1 through November 31.