January 2009
Winter in Ajijic!

Living in Casa Sonrisa (the house of the rising sun) we get this spectacular view of the sun rise every morning. The weather is sunny with temperatures in the low 80s during the day and low 40s at night. January here in Ajijic is much easier to take than those we remember growing up in North Dakota. We are half way into our winter vacation here in Ajijic and finding it much as last year--enjoyable, relaxing and fulfilling. Here are a few of the highlights for the month. Remember to click to enlarge the thumbnail pictures. Let us know what you are up to by clicking here. Larry and Glorine.





January 2009
January 2009 January 2009
January 2009January 2009
A couple times a week we do a "walk about" around Ajijic. We would like to do this everyday, but when we get up at the "crack of nine" it is hard to get everything done that we had planned. One of the beauties of Ajijic is the color--homes painted with rich, bright colors, covered with flowers, plants, and trees that are constantly in bloom. It makes the 40 minute walks go by mighty fast. Larry turned 62 this month and had three parties to celebrate this milestone-Social Security is on its way! Upper left is another Larry (who also had a birthday) and his wife Barbara from California enjoying a birthday dinner together at a restaurant with a great view of the lake. The next two parties were back to back-one at our regular Friday night social and a birthday dinner party with friends at a local night club. Glorine's birthday cake was a hit, especially with friends Norm and Lil. Age has not gotten in the way of enjoying the good life!
January 2009 January 2009
January 2009January 2009
January 2009 January 2009
January 2009January 2009
Inauguration day was celebrated in Ajijic like most cities and towns in the USA. It started with about 100 people gathering at a local tavern at 10:00 am to watch our new president take the oath of office. Later that evening, we hosted a happy hour at our casa, followed by dinner and then on to the big Inauguration Ball at the most eloquent club in Ajijic. It was a great day for America and for the world. During the Obama Inauguration, we met Hans who was born in the Netherlands and spent half of his life in the US and Mexico. Forty years ago he purchased this huge property east of Chapala, which he transformed from a small weekend cabin to a three story home with spectacular sunrise and sunset and views of the Lake. Hans invited us, Wayne, Maureen and our Guadalajara friends, Yvonne and Teri for lunch and a tour of this magnificent property.
January 2009 January 2009
January 2009January 2009
January 2009
We hosted a "Thawing Out Party" for 35 friends, mostly snowbirds (some who just arrived for the winter). The theme was Sopa Mexicana (Glorine and Maureen made three types of Mexican Soups) and our guest brought bean soup, appetizers, desserts and beverages. What a joy for friends we met last year to meet friends we are making this year. Great food and great company equals a great time. Glorine picked up where she left off volunteering last year for a non-profit organic farm cooperative called ACÁ. One of their revenue streams is to teach the gringo population on an array of related topics through a weekly Eco Talk Lecture Series. Glorine's task is to help market this series. Here is a group tuned in to a fascinating topic on benefits of eating raw foods.
January 2009 January 2009
January 2009January 2009
January 2009
January 2009
Finally, after dragging Larry's golf clubs all the way to Mexico, he found a couple of golfing buddies, Chris and Mamie. They meet on Friday afternoons (after the rates drop to 250 pesos or about $17 US). One of the benefits is that one can continue to play additional nine-holes at no additional charge. Chula Vista is a nine-hole course located in a beautiful canyon in the mountains just north of Ajijic. No carts, so poor Larry carries his own clubs up some pretty steep hills. Homes in Ajijic fall into three categories. Million dollars view homes in the foothills, run-down shanties and everything in between. The interesting thing is that most of the "everything in between" is hidden behind 12 foot concrete walls and as we visit more of these homes, we find most to be very charming, if not spectacular. Whether it is our friends who have a mural painted on the walls to friends who have an Olympic size swimming pool, or beautiful gardens like our rental, the variation is priceless.
January 2009
January 2009 January 2009
January 2009January 2009
Friends from Oregon, Jerry and Gloria, have spent their two week vacation in Ajijic for the past three year. They joined us on a day trip north of Ajijic to Cajititlan (cah-hee-teet-lawn)a small village on the shore of Lake Cajititlan. There claim to fame is a six day celebration of the Three Kings, which ended on January 6. This lake is much smaller than Lake Chapala, but deeper and better fishing. It is surrounded by three smaller Mexican villages that we drove to on dirt roads. On the way back to Ajijic, we stopped here at the Five Ponies, a local pub in Ixlahuacan (eeks-lah-oo-ah-can), just north of town to knock off the dust and quenched our thirst. A group raising funds for Battered Women put on a 60s & 70s Night with music videos of the rock'n roll era, which attracted 400 people, It included dinner, dancing, door prizes and lots of fun. Wayne and Maureen entered and won the discotheque dance contest. Here are some candid shots of people we met last year and some we just met recently. Pictured here are Brian and Marilyn with us, Rick and Kathy, and Michell, Glen and Gladys enjoying this great and worthy event.
January 2009 January 2009
From sunrise to sunset, Ajijic has become a wonderful place to enjoy the winter. These two pictures were taken at a friends home just as the sun was setting behind the mountains.

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January's web page includes January 1 through January 31, 2009.